BCHA Double Diamond Award
The Back Country Horsemen of America (BCHA) National Board established this special annual award in 2003. This award is presented to BCHA chapters for exceptional volunteer projects and/or educational programs completed during the previous year. The efforts eligible for recognition can include, but not limited to, trail maintenance, trail construction, trailhead construction, educational programs, and youth programs.
Back Country Horsemen of America (BCHA) will accept applications from any chapter/unit for a volunteer project or educational program that has been accomplished during the calendar year (Jan.1-Dec.31) immediately preceding the April National Board of Directors Meeting. All award applications shall be for a specific project or educational program, not for multiple projects or programs undertaken during the year. Multiple outings to accomplish a specific project are acceptable.
Include a detailed description of what the project entailed and how it was accomplished from start to finish. Answer the questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how. Include any pictures (a maximum of eight photos) the committee can use in making its decision. Also include any additional support letters from the agency or private parties that were worked with on this project or program.
Applications must be submitted by email in Word or Adobe format with a maximum of four pages. (Digital format is preferred; however, a hard copy will be accepted if electronic options are not available to the nominator.
Applications must be received by March 20th of the current year either by email to: Volunteer@bcha.org
The BCHA Volunteer Hours Committee appointed by the National Chair of BCHA will decide the winner or winners. The award will be presented at the BCHA National Board Annual Banquet. For questions, please call 360-620-2802.
Thank you for the coming application!
BCHA Volunteer Hours Committee