Saw Program Myths


Take the quiz and test your Chain saw knowledge.

Hot weather chain saw starting


Have you ever had this problem ? here are a few tips that might help

Fuel Geysering


Fuel Geysering is the forceful expulsion of fuel in vapor and liquid form due to the rapid depressurization of the fuel tank. It is similar to a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion spewing from lid after opening. Fule Geysering has caused burn injuries. To report a event please use this link

BCHA 2017 Packing Skills Scholarship Winner


In mid-June every year Mack and Connie Long of Bob Marshall Wilderness Outfitters host a handful of eager students for what is known as the packing skills class. The class is a five day trip into the historic Bob Marshall Wilderness complex to teach new comers to packing the ropes- literally. This past year I was fortunate enough to earn … Read More

Our Public Lands Need Your Help


BCHA needs your help: Calls to Congress Needed this Week! We have learned that Congress could begin negotiations this week regarding 2018 funding for a number of programs important to horsemen, including the Land and Water Conservation Fund and recreation and trail programs administered by the federal land management agencies. There is much at stake for horsemen and trail users. Congress … Read More

Newsletter, Summer of 2017 Issue


Click here to Open the Summer 2017 Newsletter Inside This Issue Public Lands Report 2 From the Chairman’s Saddle 3 Highlights from the National Board Meeting 4-5 BCHA Legacy Award 6 Understanding Planned Giving 7 Student Packers 7

BCHA 2016 Volunteer Hours


In 2016, Back Country Horsemen of America from 31 different states logged over 341,502 volunteer hours with just over 13.4 million dollars worth of volunteer value. In the process, 11,461 stock were used and volunteers traveled over 1.9 million miles. That adds up to an amazing 4,773,583 hours donated over the last 21 years, for a total donated value of $139,805,692. As … Read More

BCHA Elections 2017


  Election results from the 2017 Convention were Chairman – Freddy Dunn -Utah Vice Chair – Darryl Wallace – Washington Treasure – Sherry Copeland – Missouri Executive Board – Yvette Rollins – Indiana Executive Board – Rebecca Krueger – Missouri  

Take Action! – Voice Your Opposition to H.R. 1349


Uphold the Integrity of the Wilderness Act Voice Your Opposition to H.R. 1349 Mountain bikes in designated Wilderness? For over 50 years it’s been prohibited by the landmark Wilderness Act. But a new group, the Sustainable Trails Coalition (STC), intends to change that. The STC’s president proclaimed that legalizing mountain bikes in wilderness is inevitable. We need your help to … Read More

2017 Winner of the Double Diamond Award


2017 Double Diamond Award Territorial Riders BCH of Oregon City, Oregon Eleven nominations for the Double Diamond Award were received. In reviewing the nominations, it was clear all the chapters that submitted nominations undertook very worthwhile projects. It was difficult for the committee to choose which nomination was most worthy of the award. After the scoring was completed, the Elk … Read More

Newsletter, Spring of 2017 Issue


Click here to Open the Spring 2017 Newsletter Inside This Issue From the Chairman’s Saddle 3 Federal Public Lands Under Assault: What’s at Stake? 4 Message from the Executive Director 6 BCHA 2017 Convention 8 State Articles 10-11 The Catch Pen 11 Keeping Paradise Possible 12

National Forest System Trail Stewardship Grants: Available for 2017


As a result of BCHA’s recent collaborative efforts with national partners, The National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance announced this week the creation of a new trails granting program. “National Forest Trail Stewardship Grants” are supported by the U.S. Forest Service and are intended to address the trail maintenance backlog on National Forest System trails. Current nonprofit organizations (e.g., 501 (c)(3), 501 … Read More

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