Help BCHA secure more horseback riding opportunities at Mount Rainer National Park


  In 2002 the National Park Service all but eliminated horseback use at Mount Rainier National Park, with the sole exceptions being the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) and one feeder trail to the PCT? That decision represents an enormous bur under the saddle of horsemen, who have endured the near prohibition of pack and saddle stock in that park for … Read More

BCHA Provides the Rationale for Why Congress Must Pass the “Forest Trail Stewardship” Bill


Randy Rasmussen speaks on the need for, and origins of, the current National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act. Our audience included BCH folks and trail supporters for the bill, Lewis & Clark alumni and other national scenic and historic trails supporters. A key point is the visibility offered by BCHA as the presenter of the webinar on this nationally important “Forest … Read More

Take Action on Yosemite National Park Management Plan, Please Submit Comments on the Stewardship Plan


Do you desire to one day ride your horse or mule in Yosemite National Park along the park’s many Wilderness trails or even the Pacific Crest Trail? Have you been one of the lucky persons who already has visited Yosemite Wilderness, but wants to continue to enjoy the same freedoms that you did during your last trip? Please submit public … Read More

Pisgah BCH of NC – Building Sustainable Highline Systems


What do you do when a wonderful place to camp with horses is being “loved to death” and the ground becoming a boggy mess? Why you team up with your land manager, work out some plans, roll up your sleeves and get to work! The Back Country Horsemen of North Carolina , Pisgah chapter (Pisgah Ranger District near Brevard, North … Read More

Mountain Man BCH of Montana Winter Horse Activitys


Dan Stroud of the Mountain Man Back Country Horsemen of Montana  writes about one of their winter horse activity’s. Many of you in this Montana basin have horses that you spend a lot of time on in the summer, on trails, pack-trips, herding cattle and just riding. If you are like me, you sometimes can’t wait for it to get warmer so … Read More

Back Country Horsemen of Wyoming Annual Rendezvous – 2015


Squaretop and the Lower Green River Lake Well; it’s January, 2016 and I’m just now sitting down to write something about the 2015 Back Country Horsemen Rendezvous in Wyoming. The Rendezvous was hosted by the Pinedale Chapter, called the Mountain Man Backcountry Horsemen, fitting for the area with its past trapper rendezvous. The Upper Green River Lakes was the site … Read More

New Poll shows Broad Support for Federal Public Land Ownership


A new poll by Colorado College shows broad support for federal public land ownership. Up to 60 percent of Western voters oppose proposals to sell federal land to private sources or transfer ownership to the states. Against an uptick in anti-public lands rhetoric from militant extremists, a new Colorado College State of the Rockies Project Conservation in the West Poll … Read More

Peg Greiwe: A Back Country Horsemen of America Horsewoman


Back Country Horsemen of America is at the forefront of the drive to protect our right to ride horses on public lands, but they wouldn’t be in that position without the tireless effort of people who share their vision. Peg Greiwe grabbed hold of the BCHA mission nearly 30 years ago and still refuses to let go. Join the Family … Read More

Newsletter, Winter of 2016 Issue


Click here to Open the Winter 2016 Newsletter Inside This Issue Message from the Executive Director 2 From the Chairman’s Saddle 3 From the Secretary’s Desk 2 Public Lands Report 5 BCH Education Foundation Grant 6 The Catch Pen 8-9 Is This Back Country Horsemen’s Defining Moment? 10 Bitter Root Back Country Horsemen 12

High Sierra Chapter of BCHNV participates in Food Drive and Receives State Recognition


The High Sierra Chapter of BCHNV (Reno) has participated in the local “Share Your Christmas” food drive for the past five years. This year we collected over 550 pounds of food and $100, and as always, we delivered it to the drive up collection point on horseback, with a pack string. Nine members and 7 1/2 animals participated. The food … Read More

BCHA EDU Foundation Grant helps with Shoshone BCH Jack Creek Trailhead Project


2015 was a very productive year for the Shoshone Backcounty Horsemen of Northwest Wyoming. The SBCH has a core group of about a dozen people who enable us to accomplish many great projects. This year alone we planned and built 4 new amazing corral on the Wood River, repaired 6 feed bunks at Jack Creek, built a trailhead at Big … Read More

Back Country Horsemen of America’s Rapport with Wild Lands


Members of BCH New Mexico Northwest Chapter Scouting Trails in Tent Rocks National Monument Back Country Horsemen of America believes that protecting our right to ride horses on public lands starts with taking part in maintaining those trails. Members spend countless hours doing trail and facility maintenance that public lands managers’ budgets don’t allow. As members care for these trails … Read More

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