BCHA’s Formal Public Comments on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s Proposed Rule to Increase Recreational Opportunities Through the Use of Electric Bikes (e-Bikes)

June 5, 2020—BCHA submitted a public comment letter that voiced strong opposition to elements of the BLM Proposed Rule (i.e., policy change) that would, if adopted, superimpose e-Bike use—a motorized form of travel—on non-motorized trails used by hikers, equestrians and others. While BCHA recognized the validity of e-Bike use on public lands, BCHA was adamant that e-Bike use must occur only on routes or in areas that have been designated by the agency as appropriate for motorized use… READ MORE
BCHA BLM e-Bike Rule comment letter
BCHA’s Formal Public Comments on the National Park Service’s Proposed Rule for the Use of Electric Bikes (e-Bikes)
June 5, 2020—BCHA submitted a public comment letter that voiced strong opposition to elements of the NPS Proposed Rule (i.e., policy change) that, if adopted, would allow park superintendents to authorize—without advance public notice and comment—the use of electric bikes on trails and administrative roads on which bicycle use currently is allowed. BCHA recognized the opportunity represented by e-Bikes to serve as an alternative and enjoyable form of recreation on NPS-administered roads. Yet BCHA was adamant that it would oppose any effort to superimpose motorized forms of travel and recreation on trails and administrative roads currently shared by hikers, equestrians, and others… READ MORE
BCHA NPS e-Bike Rule comment letter

BCHA’s Formal Public Comments on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Proposed Rule for the Use of Electric Bikes (e-Bikes)
June 8, 2020—BCHA submitted a public comment letter that voiced strong opposition to elements of the USFWS Proposed Rule (i.e., policy change) that would, if made final, superimpose e-Bike use—a motorized form of travel—on trails shared by hikers, equestrians and others. At the same time, BCHA recognized the opportunity represented by e-Bikes to serve as an alternative and enjoyable form of recreational activity by the public on USFWS-administered roads… READ MORE
BCHA USFWS e-Bike Rule comment letter
A national coalition of 48 organizations, led by The Wilderness Society, submit a detailed public comment letter on e-Bikes
June 9, 2020—A national coalition of 48 organizations, led by The Wilderness Society, submitted a detailed public comment letter to the Bureau of Land Management regarding the agency’s Proposed Rule on “Increasing Recreational Opportunities Through the Use of Electric Bikes” (e-Bikes). These comments incorporate BCHA’s concerns regarding the high potential for user conflict on trails and significant safety hazards posed to hikers and equestrians should BLM field offices take steps to impose e-Bike use on currently non-motorized trails. The letter demands that the BLM abandon its unnecessary and unlawful proposal… READ MORE