Please Join BCHA and take The SHIFT Pledge

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The Principles for Advancing Outdoor Recreation and Conservation provide a unified framework for natural allies like us to reduce internal conflict and increase success in the protection of our public lands, waters and wildlife.

We’re using them as the starting point in our conversation on Thursday, Oct. 8, at 9:15 a.m. during The SHIFT Summit.

To support the Principles, we’ve developed The SHIFT Pledge: six points tied to the corresponding six Principles that outdoor recreationists, conservationists and land managers can use to protect our public lands, waters and wildlife.


To raise awareness and support for the Principles during SHIFT, we’re starting an online flash mob.

Will you join our Thunderclap campaign in support of the Principles? (It takes five seconds.)

1. Go to this link
2. Choose either “Support with Twitter” or “Support with Facebook”–or both.
3. Add your name to the Thunderclap–and that’s it!

On Thursday evening during SHIFT, this message will automatically publish on your Facebook and/or Twitter account:

“I pledge to support the Principles for Outdoor Recreation & Conservation. #SHIFTjh

Help us make the Principles go viral—share this through your networks. 


Let’s build support for our public lands and waters!