Horse Camp and Ebike incident reporting
You might have seen the request to submit “incident report forms” for ebike interactions and horse camps occupied by non stock users, to help provide record of the issue. Of course it is always great to talk to people directly if you can do so safely, however submitting a report can demonstrate a pattern of issues to help change rules or encourage enforcement. Did you know that you can add these forms to the home screen of your smartphone? Follow the instructions below based on your phone and preferred browser:
Add each of the below links to the home screen of your phone so you can make reports on the go! The reports don’t automatically go to your local trail management office, however, so please also follow up with a report to Forest Service, BLM, county/borough, or whoever the land manager is for the area where you have the incident. And keep a copy for your records!
Ebike incident report online form
Horse camp incident online form
These forms get used by national BCHA to demonstrate patterns of problems, and provide leverage to work with agencies to fix problems. If agencies/land managers don’t know there is a problem, or don’t think it’s a big problem, things won’t change. The forms are most effective when you also submit them to the local agency, not just online, which only goes to you and BCHA.
You can print forms out as well to keep in your vehicle and/or share with others. Printable forms: